Viewing entries tagged
El Salvador


DHS Extends TPS for Ukraine, Sudan, El Salvador, and Venezuela

The Department of Homeland Security has extended Temporary Protected Status for citizens of Ukraine, Sudan, El Salvador, and Venezuela.

The extension of TPS for Ukraine allows approximately 103,700 current eligible beneficiaries to re-register for TPS, if they continue to meet eligibility requirements. Re-registration is limited to individuals who previously registered for TPS under Ukraine’s designation. This population includes nationals of Ukraine (and individuals without nationality who last resided in Ukraine) who have been continuously residing in the United States since at least August 16, 2023, with or without lawful immigration status. The official announcement can be found here:

The extension of TPS for Sudan allows approximately 1,900 current eligible beneficiaries to re-register for TPS, if they continue to meet eligibility requirements. Re-registration is limited to individuals who previously registered for TPS under Sudan’s designation. This population includes nationals of Sudan (and individuals without nationality who last resided in Sudan) who have been continuously residing in the United States since at least August 16, 2023, with or without lawful immigration status. The official announcement can be found here:,including%20direct%20attacks%20on%20civilians.

Venezuelan individuals may be eligible if they have continuously resided in the United States on or before July 31, 2023:

The extension of TPS for El Salvador allows approximately 232,000 current beneficiaries to re-register for TPS, if they have continuously resided in the United States since March 9, 2001:



DHS Cancels TPS for El Salvador

The Department of Homeland Security has cancelled Temporary Protected Status for El Salvador, effective on September 9, 2019.  Salvadoran citizens with TPS are strongly encouraged to consult with a licensed immigration attorney to determine if they qualify for other immigration status in the United States.  

The full text of the cancellation announcement can be found here:



BIA Recognizes the Existence of Death Squads during Salvadoran Civil War; Strips Former Defense Minister of his Residence

Carlos Eugenio Vides Casanova served as the Director of the Salvadoran National Guard, and later as Minister of Defense during the Salvadoran Civil War.  The Department of Homeland Security alleged that he participated in acts of torture and extrajudicial killings during his tenure in these government positions.  The Immigration Judge agreed, finding that Mr. Vides assisted or otherwise participated in six well-known and documented instances of extrajudicial killing.  The judge also found that Mr. Vides to investigate the killings after the fact, to cooperate with the investigations (which he impeded), and to ultimately hold the accused perpetrators accountable.  The Board agree that these acts, when taken in context with Mr. Vides' role as a military commander, collectively amounted to assistance or participation in the killings.   The Board noted that the statute does not require the person to have taken personal action to promote or facilitate the alleged acts before or during their commission.  It is sufficient that he (1) had knowledge that his subordinates committed unlawful acts and (2) failed to take action to investigate those acts afterwards in a genuine effort to punish the perpetrators.  Mr. Vides, who affirmatively and knowingly shielded subordinates from the consequences of their acts and promoted a culture of tolerance for human rights abuses, fell within the ambit of the statute.

The full text of Matter of Vides Casanova can be found here: 



USCIS Announces In-Country Refugee/Parole Processing for Minors in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala

The Department of State and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) are pleased to announce a new in-country refugee and parole program for certain qualified minors in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.  The program allows certain parents who are lawfully present in the U.S. to request access to the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for their children still residing in one of these three countries. Applicants who gain access to the program, but are found ineligible for refugee status will be considered on a case-by-case basis for parole into the United States.

Read USCIS's full announcement here:



USCIS Announces TPS Re-Registration for Salvadorans

Yesterday, USCIS announced that TPS benefits for citizens of El Salvador would be extended for an additional 18 months, effective March 10, 2015.  The re-registration period will run from January 7, 2015 to March 9, 2015.

For more information on the extension of TPS benefits for Salvadorans, you can go to USCIS's website:
