Viewing entries tagged
Extreme hardship


USCIS Announces New Guidance for Extreme Hardship Standard

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has published new guidance on what factors will meet the extreme hardship requirement for certain waivers of inadmissibility.  This guidance, which goes into effect on December 5, 2016, includes a list of "particularly significant factors" that "often weigh heavily in support of finding extreme hardship."  These factors include:

-Qualifying relative granted Iraqi or Afghan Special Immigrant Status, T visa status, asylum, or refugee status

-Qualifying relative or related family member dependent on qualifying relative is disabled

-Qualifying relative is a member of the U.S. military

-The Department of State has issued travel warnings recommending against travel to the applicant's country of origin

-Substantial displacement of care of applicant's children

The full text of the policy manual updates can be read here:
