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Second Appellate Division


California Appellate Court Finds that no Notice is Required to a Parent of the Request to Appoint a Guardian At Litem in a Parentage Action

The California Court of Appeal, Second Appellate Division, has determined that no notice is required to a parent of a child's request for the appointment of a guardian at litem in a parentage action, even if the child will be seeking a finding of neglect, abuse, or abandonment by the parent in connection with a predicate order for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status.  The court noted that notice is given to a parent of the parentage action after a summons is issued, and that the summons cannot be issued until the guardian is appointed.  As such, the parent's due process rights would be protected by the later notice requirement, and the child's best interests would be represented by the guardian in the parentage action.

The full text of Alex R. v. Superior Court of Los Angeles can be found here:
