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BIA Narrows Relief for Family-Based Particular Social Groups

The Board of Immigration Appeals has again narrowed the circumstances in which an asylum applicant can establish the requisite nexus between persecution and the particular social group comprised of the applicant’s family. “In our view, the Tenth Circuit’s approach is the proper way to analyze whether membership in a family-based particular social group is one central reason for harm. The question asked under the Fourth Circuit’s approach—why an applicant, and not others, is targeted—is relevant in evaluating the reasons for harm, but it is not the end of the analysis. When a persecutor targets multiple members of a single family, their family membership may be a reason for harming them, especially when non-family members are not similarly targeted. However, the fact that family membership is a reason for harm does not mean that it is necessarily one central reason. If a persecutor is targeting members of a certain family as a means of achieving some other ultimate goal unrelated to the protected ground, family membership is incidental or subordinate to that other ultimate goal and therefore not one central reason for the harm. Likewise, when a persecutor’s threats to harm family members are contingent on one or more of the family members acting or failing to act in a certain way—such as failing to comply with demands for money or other property—family membership is unlikely to be one central reason for that harm and instead will be merely a means to another end.”

The full text of Matter of M-R-M-S- can be found here:



Ninth Circuit Revisits Land Ownership-Based Particular Social Groups

Seven years after holding that “wealthy landowners” may be a particular social group, the Ninth Circuit has now rejected an asylum claim by the same petitioner. Noting that intervening case law required an asylum applicant to demonstrate that the society in question perceived the proposed group as a group, the court held that the record did not establish that Colombian society perceives wealth landowners as a group. This case is a good reminder of the importance of building a record of societal perception into the record.

The full text of Cordoba v. Barr can be found here:
