Viewing entries tagged
child abuse


Second Circuit Remands Gender Violence Asylum Case

The Second Circuit has remanded an asylum claim for a Honduran woman who had been the victim of family violence. “The agency reasonably relied in part on Castellanos-Ventura’s failure to report. But it failed to consider whether it would have been ‘futile or dangerous for an abused child,’ as Castellanos-Ventura was during much of her abuse, ‘to seek protection from the authorities.’”

The full text of Castellanos-Ventura v. Garland can be found here:



Ninth Circuit Finds that CA Conviction for Corporal Injury of a Child is a Crime of Violence

The Ninth Circuit has determined that a California conviction for inflicting corporal injury on a child is a crime of violence because the statute requires proof that the punishment or injury inflicted on the child resulted in a traumatic condition.

The full text of Olea-Serefina v. Garland can be found here:



Ninth Circuit Interprets California Felony Child Abuse Statute

The Ninth Circuit determined that section 273a(a) of the California Penal Code is an indivisible statute; that is, a jury need not decide if a defendant engaged in intentional conduct (injurying a child) or negligent conduct (permitting a child's safety to be placed in danger).  Because negligent conduct is insufficient to qualify as a crime of violence, a conviction under this subsection is not a crime of violence aggravated felony.

The full text of Ramirez v. Lynch can be found here:
