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fraudulent documents


BIA Authorizes IJ to Determine Fraud without Expert Evidence

The Board of Immigration Appeals has determined that an Immigration Judge “may find a document to be fraudulent without forensic analysis or other expert testimony where the document contains obvious defects or readily identifiable hallmarks of fraud and the party submitting the document is given an opportunity to explain the defects.” In the instant case, “the respondent was questioned about his familiarity with the Commissioner for Education, whose purported signature appears on a December 2009 letter that the respondent submitted in support of his application and referenced in his declaration. The DHS submitted impeachment evidence indicating that a different person was serving as Commissioner for Education at that time. The respondent was also asked about how he obtained a ‘wanted’ flier he had submitted into evidence, and he was given the opportunity to explain why ‘Nigeria’ was misspelled and the signature and text were printed over a seal on the document.”

The full text of Matter of O-M-O- can be found here:
