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Eleventh Circuit Finds that FL Marijuana Statutes are Overbroad

The Eleventh Circuit has determined that Florida defines marijuana more broadly in its criminal laws than in the federal law because it criminalizes acts involving the stalks of the plant. As such, Florida marijuana convictions should no longer trigger controlled substance-related removability.

The full text of Said v. Attorney General can be found here:



BIA Applies Circumstance Specific Analysis to SIJS Waiver

The Board of Immigration Appeals has confirmed that INA section 245(h)(2)(B) can be used to waive inadmissibility related to a single offense of possession of less than 30 grams of marijuana. The Board indicated that the circumstance specific approach should be used to determine the amount of marijuana at issue.

The full text of Matter of Moradel can be found here:



Ninth Circuit Defers to Matter of Davey

The Ninth Circuit has deferred to the Board of Immigration Appeals’ decision in Matter of Davey and determined that the circumstance specific approach applies to the personal use exception for marijuana-related deportability.

The full text of Bogle v. Garland can be found here:

An amended opinion can be found here:



Fifth Circuit Applies Circumstance Specific Approach to Marijuana Deportability

The Fifth Circuit has deferred to the Board of Immigration Appeals’ determination that the personal use of marijuana exception to controlled substance deportability is subject to the circumstance specific analysis. Specifically, if the statute of conviction does not specify that the conviction involved less than 30 grams of marijuana, the adjudicator may consult other documents, such as the arrest report, to determine how much marijuana was involved in the offense.

The full text of Cardoso de Flores v. Whitaker can be found here:
