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New Case Law


Fourth Circuit Affirms Denial of Family-Based PSG Claim

The Fourth Circuit has affirmed the denial of a family-based particular social group claim for a woman who was persecuted by her brother-in-law because she tried to protect her sister from domestic violence. The court found that “[t]he record would not compel a reasonable adjudicator to conclude that Veronica’s membership in Guisela’s family was anything more than incidental, tangential, superficial and subordinate to another reason for Rogelio to harm her. In contrast, the record contains substantial evidence that central reasons for Veronica’s persecution included her intervening in Guisela’s and Rogelio’s marriage, aiding her sister in escaping Rogelio and assisting in Rogelio’s capture and imprisonment.” This narrow nexus analysis seems out of step with other Fourth Circuit cases on family-based social groups, which have recognized that a mother protects her son from gang recruitment because of their family ties. It is unclear why a sister would not be similarly motivated by family ties to protect her sibling from domestic abuse.

The court also noted that Rogelio similarly persecuted non-family members who assisted Guisela, and cited this as evidence that it was the assistance to Guisela, not the family ties, that motivated the persecution. The court also relied on this fact to distinguish this case from its other precedents on persecution motivated by family ties.

The full text of Toledo-Vasquez v. Garland:



First Circuit Finds that MA Accessory after the Fact Conviction is Aggravated Felony

The First Circuit has determined that a Massachusetts conviction for accessory after the fact is an obstruction of justice-related aggravated felony. In so doing, the court determined that the definition of obstruction of justice unambiguously “does not require a nexus to a pending or ongoing investigation or judicial proceeding.” This widens a circuit split, with the Ninth and Third Circuits requiring a nexus to an ongoing investigation, and the Fourth Circuit and First Circuit agreeing with the Board of Immigration Appeals that an ongoing investigation is not required.

The First Circuit further determined that even assuming a nexus to an investigation is required, the Massachusetts statute meets that requirement. “To be convicted under that statute, the accessory must act with specific intent to enable a felon to ‘avoid or escape detention, arrest, trial, or punishment.’ Absent an investigation, there can be no prosecution and no detention, arrest, trial, or punishment to avoid or escape.”

The full text of Silva v. Garland can be found here:



BIA Finds that Asylee Must Have Asylum at Time of AOS Application

The Board of Immigration Appeals has determined that a non-citizen is not eligible for an asylee adjustment of status if his asylum status has been terminated prior to filing the adjustment application. The Board also affirmed that the applicant’s convictions for bank fraud and identity theft were particularly serious crimes that rendered him ineligible for withholding of removal.

The full text of Matter of T-C-A- can be found here:



Eleventh Circuit Addresses Whether Misuse of a SSN is a CIMT

The Eleventh Circuit has remanded a case to the Board for further analysis about whether a federal conviction for misuse of a social security number is a crime involving moral turpitude. In so doing, the court noted that fraud requires that a misrepresentation be made to obtain a benefit from someone or cause a detriment to someone. “A violation of § 408(a)(7)(B) can sometimes be for the ‘purpose of obtaining anything of value from any person’—which would involve fraud—but under the categorical approach the ‘least culpable conduct necessary to sustain a conviction’ is the false representation of the Social Security number for ‘any other purpose,’ i.e., for a nonfraudulent purpose.”

“Our holding today does not foreclose the possibility that a conviction for a violation of § 408(a)(7)(B) may be a CIMT. But if the BIA is going to hold that it is, it will need to do what it has so far failed to do in Mr. Zarate’s case—it will have to apply its two pronged moral turpitude standard in toto and decide whether the statute, under the categorical approach, involves conduct that is ‘reprehensible,’ i.e., conduct that is ‘inherently base, vile, or depraved, and contrary to the accepted rules of morality and the duties owed between persons or to society in general.’”

The full text of Zarate v. U.S. Attorney General can be found here:



Ninth Circuit Issues New Opinion on Service of NTA on Minors

The Ninth Circuit has granted a petition for panel rehearing in B.R. v. Garland, which dealt with proper service of a Notice to Appear on a minor, as well as the proper remedy when DHS obtains juvenile records in violation of state law.

B.R. was deemed an unaccompanied minor and remained in custody until he was eventually released to his mother in March 2011. Upon his release, DHS failed to serve a copy of the NTA on B.R.’s mother. In fact, DHS has never served B.R.’s mother with his NTA. No substantive proceedings took place between 2011 and 2018 (in part, because B.R. was incarcerated for some of that time). In January 2018, B.R. (now represented by an attorney) moved to terminate proceedings on the ground that DHS failed to effectuate proper service in 2011 by failing to serve a copy of his NTA on B.R.’s custodian (his mother) when he was released to her custody, which he argued was required for minor aliens pursuant to Flores-Chavez v. Ashcroft, 362 F.3d 1150 (9th Cir. 2004). The IJ acknowledged that DHS’s 2011 NTA service was improper under our Flores-Chavez rule, but denied the motion after concluding that DHS was permitted to perfect service by re-serving the NTA on then-adult B.R. The IJ noted DHS had done so by reserving the NTA by mail on B.R.’s counsel as an attachment to the agency’s response to B.R.’s motion.

In March 2018, B.R. filed a motion to suppress evidence and to terminate proceedings, in which he argued that the three I-213s that DHS had assembled and submitted as evidence of B.R.’s alienage improperly relied on B.R.’s confidential juvenile records—an act B.R. argued was a violation of his Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights and an egregious regulatory violation—and that these forms should be suppressed. B.R. argued that without the I-213s, DHS, which at that point had submitted no other evidence of his alienage, failed to meet its burden of establishing that B.R. was born in Mexico. In response to the motion, DHS submitted two additional pieces of evidence of alienage: (1) B.R.’s Mexican birth certificate, and (2) a district court presentence investigation report which stated that B.R. was born in Mexico.

The IJ denied the motion to suppress evidence and to terminate proceedings. The IJ refrained from deciding whether DHS had acted unlawfully with respect to B.R.’s juvenile records in the preparation of the I213s but assumed for purposes of analysis that DHS had indeed obtained information for the I-213s unlawfully. Sidestepping the merits, the IJ held that DHS’s supplemental evidence (the Mexican birth certificate and the district court presentence report) was obtained based on B.R.’s identity alone, which, regardless of any alleged constitutional or regulatory violation, cannot be suppressed. Thus, the IJ found the supplementary evidence not suppressible and determined that DHS had proved B.R.’s Mexican alienage by clear, unequivocal, and convincing evidence, even without the I-213s.

“Reviewing the matter de novo, we hold that improper service of an NTA on a minor alien released from DHS custody can be cured if DHS later perfects service before substantive removal proceedings begin. Therefore, regardless whether DHS’s improper service in 2010 failed to vest the immigration court with jurisdiction initially, the immigration court had jurisdiction throughout all of B.R.’s substantive removal proceedings subsequent to DHS’s perfection of service on B.R. in 2018.” “Nothing in the statute or regulations requires termination of removal proceedings solely because the initial service was found to be defective.” “Flores-Chavez requires DHS to serve the NTA on the custodian of a minor alien after he is released. It does not create a bizarre rule where, if service on the custodian is not made the instant the minor is released, DHS is barred from pursuing removal.” “To cure defective service, DHS re-served the NTA on then-adult B.R., but B.R. here complains that DHS again did not serve notice on B.R.’s mother. We hold that DHS need not have served B.R.’s mother after he turned eighteen and that DHS properly perfected service by mailing the NTA to B.R.’s attorney.”

“In holding that DHS may cure defective service to avoid violating § 1229 and related regulations, we do not suggest that there is no remedy when improper service amounts to an egregious regulatory violation which works to prejudice an alien’s interests. Our test from Sanchez v. Sessions provides adequate remedy of such instances: “[A] petitioner is entitled to termination of their [sic] proceedings without prejudice as long as the following requirements are satisfied: (1) the agency violated a regulation; (2) the regulation was promulgated for the benefit of petitioners; and (3) the violation was egregious, meaning that it involved conscience-shocking conduct, deprived the petitioner of fundamental rights, or prejudiced the petitioner.” 904 F.3d 643, 655 (9th Cir. 2018). B.R. argues that, even if DHS is permitted to cure defective service, its initial failure to serve B.R.’s mother in accordance with Flores-Chavez’s interpretation of 8 C.F.R. § 236.3 and the seven-year gap between its initial failure and its perfection in 2018 were egregious regulatory violations because they prejudiced his interests, requiring termination of his removal proceedings. The agency, however, did not address B.R.’s egregious regulatory violation argument below.” “Because the agency did not address B.R.’s egregious regulatory violation argument, we grant B.R.’s petition and remand to the agency for it to consider that particular argument. We leave the determination of whether DHS did in fact commit an egregious regulatory violation, including whether DHS prejudiced B.R., for the agency to determine in the first instance on remand.”

“According to B.R.’s evidence, DHS could not have obtained the birth certificate without using at least some of the information available to DHS only in B.R.’s confidential juvenile court record, to wit his date of birth, the Mexican state in which he was born, his parents’ names, etc. That is specific evidence of taint, yet nothing in the record indicates that the agency seriously considered this evidence. Instead, it appears the agency arbitrarily ignored it and found the government’s evidence free from taint. That is error and an abuse of discretion.” “If ICE located the birth certificate by using information gleaned from B.R.’s juvenile records or his I-213s, it would not be free from the taint of that alleged suppressible violation. If ICE used only his name, or used information obtained in its interview with B.R., then DHS has the burden on remand to so demonstrate, and to so demonstrate with sufficient detail to allow the IJ to verify that the evidence does not constitute fruit of unlawful government conduct.”

“We note, however, that B.R. never satisfied his burden to submit specific evidence that DHS’s presentence investigation report was tainted.” “B.R.’s conviction is a matter of public record and information contained within that official file is per se independent of any suppressible violation committed pursuant to unrelated immigration proceedings. B.R. has not provided any evidence that DHS uncovered his federal conviction by using information obtained from B.R.’s unrelated California state juvenile criminal record. Even so, we have serious misgivings as to the propriety of the admission of the presentence investigation report that should be addressed on remand, including how DHS obtained the presentence investigation report when it was placed under seal by the federal district court. Given these misgivings and the fact that the agency relied on both the birth certificate and the presentence investigation report in determining that DHS’s evidence was sufficient to establish alienage, we refrain from concluding in the first instance that the presentence investigation report alone is sufficient to establish B.R.’s alienage.”

The full text of the amended decision in BR v. Garland can be found here:

My blog post on the original panel decision can be found here:



Sixth Circuit finds no Requirement for Oral Frivolous Warnings

The Sixth Circuit has determined that the written warnings in an asylum application regarding the consequences of filing a frivolous asylum claim are sufficient; there is no requirement that an immigration judge orally repeat those warnings. The court recognized the possibility that this written warning might not suffice if an applicant did not adequately learn of it—say, because the applicant does not speak English and the person who completed the application did not pass along this information.

The full text of Khaytekov v. Garland can be found here:



Second Circuit finds NY Petit Larceny is CIMT

The Second Circuit has determined that a New York conviction for petit larceny is a crime involving moral turpitude because an intent to appropriate property requires an intent to substantially erode the victim’s ownership rights.

The full text of Ferreiras v. Garland can be found here:



BIA Finds Order of Forfeiture can be Relied on to Determine Loss to Victim

The Board of Immigration Appeals has determined that an immigration judge may look at the order of forfeiture to determine the loss to victims in a fraud-related aggravated felony analysis “if the proceeds received are sufficiently tethered and traceable to the conduct of conviction.” “Additionally, in conspiracy convictions, only the proceeds personally acquired by an individual conspirator may be subject to forfeiture—there is no joint and several liability. Therefore, in application, only specific proceeds received by the defendant can be subject to forfeiture, rather than the amount that was received by the entire criminal enterprise.”

The BIA further determined that the conviction was a particularly serious crime, barring withholding of removal. “The nature of the respondent’s conviction, which involves attempting or conspiring to obtain money or property through fraud, brings it within the ambit of a particularly serious crime.”

The full text of Matter of F-R-A can be found here:



Ninth Circuit Rejects Jurisdictional Challenge to Withholding Only Proceedings

The Ninth Circuit has determined that a Notice of Referral to Immigration Judge missing the time and date of a first withholding only hearing does not affect the immigration court’s jurisdiction over the withholding only case.

The full text of Tzompantzi-Salazar v. Garland can be found here:

A slightly amended version of the opinion can be found here:



Ninth Circuit Finds In Absentia Precluded by Incomplete NTA

The Ninth Circuit has determined that a court may not issue an in absentia removal order when the Notice to Appear is missing the time and date of the first removal hearing. “We grant Singh’s petition and hold that noncitizens must receive a Notice to Appear in a single document specifying the time and date of the noncitizen’s removal proceedings, otherwise any in absentia removal order directed at the noncitizen is subject to rescission pursuant to 8 U.S.C. § 1229a(b)(5)(C)(ii).” The court rejected the Board’s contrary determination in Matter of Laparra.

The full text of Singh v. Garland can be found here:

On remand from the Supreme Court (which rejected the Ninth Circuit’s analysis about the implications of a Notice to Appear missing the first hearing information as it relates to issuance of an in absentia removal order), the Ninth Circuit again remanded this petition for review to the agency, noting the agency failed to consider the totality of the circumstances, including his eligibility for relief, the advancement of his hearing date by the court system, and the role his attorney played.

An updated decision can be found here:



Eighth Circuit Finds that AZ Aggravated Assault is Crime of Violence

The Eighth Circuit has determined that an Arizona conviction for aggravated assault, which required the defendant to intentionally or knowingly impede the normal breathing or circulation of blood of another person by applying pressure to the throat or neck or by obstructing the nose and mouth either manually or through the use of an instrument, is a crime of violence.

The full text of US v. Lopez-Castillo can be found here:



Fourth Circuit Addresses Reasonable Fear Determination Standards

The Fourth Circuit has rejected the government’s argument that a negative reasonable fear determination should be upheld based on a “facially legitimate and bona fide reason,” finding this standard applicable only to visa denials. Instead, the determination should be reviewed for substantial evidence. The court then found that the applicant established a nexus between his family relationship to his son and the harm he suffered.

The full text of Tomas-Ramos v. Garland can be found here:



Second Circuit Reverses Denial of Asylum

The Second Circuit has granted a petition for review of a denied asylum case, finding the decision was riddled with errors. First, the agency erroneously required that a changed circumstance (for one-year filing deadline tolling) not be one caused by the applicant. Second, the agency’s discretionary denial of asylum was based solely on the applicant’s criminal history, without any consideration of his equities. Third, the agency erroneously qualified the applicant’s wire fraud as a crime against the person, which brought it within the ambit of a particularly serious crime. The court noted that wire fraud is a crime against property, not against a person. Fourth, the judge made no reference to an expert declaration, nor gave any reason for discounting it.

The full text of Ojo v. Garland can be found here:



First Circuit Requires that Asylum Applicant be Given Opportunity to Explain Lack of Corroboration

The First Circuit has held that when an asylum applicant is found not credible due to a lack of corroborating evidence, she must given the opportunity to explain the absence of the corroboration. “Absent some statement by the IJ or the BIA indicating that Ixcuna-Garcia would not be credible even if she had proffered the necessary corroborating evidence, we can have no confidence that the IJ or the BIA would have come to the same credibility determination had Ixcuna-Garcia been provided an opportunity to either produce the required corroboration or explain why she reasonably could not.”

The full text of Ixcuna-Garcia v. Garland can be found here:
