The Seventh Circuit has determined that Indiana’s definition of methamphetamine is broader than the federal definition. “Under federal law, methamphetamine is a Schedule II or III controlled substance that includes ‘its salts, isomers, and salt of isomers.’ Under federal law, ‘isomer’ of methamphetamine only refers to ‘the optical isomer.’” “Because the Indiana legislature chose to limit the types of isomers defining other drugs but did not do so with methamphetamine, we must read the schedules to define methamphetamine as including at least optical and positional isomers.” The court noted that as of 2020, Indiana had narrowed the definition of an isomer of methamphetamine to optical isomers only. However, that definition was not present at the time of the petitioner’s conviction.

The full text of Aguirre-Zuniga v. Garland can be found here:
